Ideal Pet News

Tips, tricks, and treats for your ideal pet.

Black Friday Special! 2022

Hey fur-iends! It's the holiday season. That time of year when you carefully place decorations all around your home, and pets do their best to attack and wrestle them to the ground. Right no …

Enter to WIN our Howl-O-Ween Contest

With Halloween right around the corner, we're excited to announce the return of our Howl-O-Ween Pet Costume Contest!We’re howling to see your pet’s best costumes. Whether your cat is a werewolf, …

In, out, in, out. Drives you crazy.

They want out. Then they want in. Out, in, out, in. For most pet owners, this repeats about a hundred times a day. It drives you crazy. That is, until you get a Wall Entry Pet Door from Ideal …