Ideal Pet News

Tips, tricks, and treats for your ideal pet.

Gimme Shelter: 4 Reasons Adopted Cats are the Coolest Cats

June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month – but we think adopting a kitty is a good call any ole time. Not only are you gaining major karma points; you’re gaining a best friend fur-ever. Want more proof? We’ve got it.

  • Rescue cats come spayed and/or neutered. In fact, they’re not allowed out of the shelter without having the procedure done – and it’s included in the adoption fee, meaning you’re up one BFF minus the extra costs.
  • They come pre-trained. Cats are known for being pretty low-maintenance pets, but adopted ones can be even easier because previous owners have already taught them to use the litter box (rather than your favorite rug).
  • You’re making room at the shelter. Once you adopt a cat, another cat can take its place. Shelters are notoriously overcrowded, and taking one furball out of the running means others will have a chance at adoption, too.
  • They’ll be extra grateful. Cats are smart. They know what’s going on – whether it’s that you saved them from a shelter or that you ate three chocolate bars during one episode of “House Hunters” – and they remember it. Once you and your rescue cat form a bond, it’ll be unbreakable.

Need help finding a shelter near you? The Shelter Pet Project makes it super simple. Happy hunting!