Ideal Pet News

Tips, tricks, and treats for your ideal pet.

Happy Healthy Cat Month!

Cat lovers can concede: there are few greater things in this world than having a contented kitty curled up in your lap.

Due to this indisputable fact, the folks over at the CATalyst Council (yes, that’s a real thing) have dedicated the month of September to ensuring the happiness of cats. Some signs yours is feeling good?

  • Cuddle time. Does your cat seek you out to snuggle? Congrats, you’re doing something right. A cat that kneads a spot in your lap, nestles in your bed or even perches in your general proximity is expressing comfort and trust.
  • Playfulness. Cats are curious creatures, and exploring the world around them is part of their nature. If a cat that generally can’t make it five minutes without spazzing out suddenly becomes immune to all the laser pointer’s charms, something may be up.
  • Glorious fur. Appearances aren’t always deceiving; a healthy, silky coat can signal that your cat’s needs are being met. A cat with fewer worries simply has more time to groom. Kind of like the Kardashians.
  • Healthy appetite. Licking the bowl clean can signify two things: 1) Your cat likes its food, and 2) Your cat likes life in general. Finding an acceptable brand of food can be tricky if you’ve got a picky pet, so kudos if you found one that works!

How does your cat convey its stamp of approval? We'd love to hear – let us know in the comments section!