Help Veterans and Their Companions This Veterans Day
Happy Veterans Day!
Companions for Heroes
Companions for Heroes (C4H) is a remarkable nonprofit with a two-fold mission that's close to our hearts: raising awareness about the challenges, especially PTSD, faced by many of our heroes and championing the cause of shelter animal adoption.
By pairing veterans with furry companions, C4H creates a nurturing environment where both can thrive. It's a testament to the profound bond between humans and pets, particularly as a source of emotional support.
Success stories
Jason & Sassy: Jason, a five-year Army veteran, suffered combat injuries leading to the loss of a leg. While physical therapy, especially CrossFit, has been part of his recovery, it's the companionship of Sassy, an American Pit Bull Terrier, that has given him emotional strength.
Here's how you can help
Join us in supporting this amazing cause. Whether it's a donation, volunteering, or simply spreading the word, every bit helps. Learn More
Warmly, The grateful humans at Ideal Pet Products
P.S. Share your own story of how a furry friend has made a difference in your life. We’d love to hear from you.