Ideal Pet News

Tips, tricks, and treats for your ideal pet.

We Pawsitively Love Pawternity Leave

It’s finally happening: companies are starting to offer pawternity leave. As in, time off for humans who have recently adopted pets. Because if you’ve ever had a new puppy, you know the exhaustion is real. Read on to learn more about the companies that offer this amazing perk:

  • HarperCollins India
    Starting this year, employees at this publishing giant will be granted five days’ paid leave after adopting a pet. "We want the very best of work-life balance for our colleagues, and that includes being mindful about their family needs," says HCI chief Ananth Padmanabhan.
  • Mars Petcare
    Employees are offered 10 hours to spend with their new pets, and they’re welcome in the workplace after that. As HR director Katie Menzies says, pets have been proven to “offer a sense of comfort, relieve stress, increase physical activity and even improve productivity” – so why wouldn’t they want ‘em around the office?
  • BrewDog
    As if working for a brewery called “BrewDog” wouldn’t be cool enough, this Scottish craft beer company offers a week of paid leave. Why? ‘Cause they love dogs, of course. Oh, and they’re aiming to be “the best company to work for, ever.”
  • BitSol Solutions
    According to owner Greg Buchanan, “Pets are like babies nowadays, so why shouldn't staff have some time off when they arrive?” This tech company provides employees one full week of quality furbaby time.

Better send your resume to these companies asap – competition is sure to be stiff!