Ideal Pet News

Tips, tricks, and treats for your ideal pet.

Ideal Pet Wins 1st Place in 2018 Pet Age Reader’s Choice Awards: Cat Toy Category

Forty-three winning manufacturers. Twenty pet product categories. One major award for Ideal Pet.

The Pet Age Reader’s Choice Awards may only be in its second year, but the folks at Pet Age have been serving the pet industry for 47 years. (That’s eight years longer than Ideal Pet’s been in business, and we’re not exactly new on the scene.) So not only do we trust their opinion – we respect it, too. That’s why we’re quite pleased to announce that our Eyenimal Automatic Laser nabbed first place in the 2018 Cat Toys category!

Retailers countrywide cast votes for their favorite pet products, and Pet Age awarded the top three choices in each category. “Time to toss that manual cat laser pointer,” writer Glenn Polyn advises, “The Automatic Laser is a super fun cat laser toy that is a perfect frolicsome companion for felines of all ages! This high-quality, 360-degree rotating laser light for cats will provide endless opportunities for kitties to pounce, chase and bat at exciting digital patterns.” Bonus: We’ve been told that dogs love it, too.

We’d like to thank the A-cat-emy and, once you’ve recovered from that awful pun, invite you to try the award-winning Automatic Laser for yourself!

Check out the other winners at